HowTo install Wordpress on NethServer

I just install with success WordPress via

  • yum install nethserver-nethforge-release
  • yum install --enablerepo=nethforge nethserver-wordpress

but I want wordpress respond into my http://domain.tld/

so I just need to change the config into httpd and wp-config and run

  • config setprop wordpress /
  • signal-event nethserver-wordpress-update

And did’nt trully understand the part about the .htacess because, I tried to rename my permanent link and that blow up my website.

How do I make wordpress run in instead of

Hi Everyone;

Now we are 2persons asking the same thing :wink:

I tried to redirect with this command

config setprop wordpress URL /
signal-event nethserver-wordpress-update
config setprop wordpress URL .
signal-event nethserver-wordpress-update

but I just receive an error after.

Hope @stephdl can we help us :cry:

The only way i’d succeed it’s to use the web access and install wordpress as a web site root

the URL is just here to change the name of the folder eg ‘wordpress’

if you want to change the url to a root domain name you can try the following command, you need to declare this domain in the server-manager.

# vim  /etc/httpd/conf.d/roundcubemail_domain.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
Redirect permanent /


 signal-event nethserver-wordpress-update

This should be added as a nfr.

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Hello someone already installed Wordpress on NS 7.2?

Not tested yet, do you wanna give it a try? You’re welcome! :grinning:

Hello all,

Anyone know how to change the root directory of wordpress, example: to

Thanks a lot.

Check the post above
HowTo install Wordpress on NethServer

Not work, I changed the configurations files to wordpress, but not work.


After running the command (signal-event nethserver-wordpress-update) the contents of the file “/etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress.conf” back to its original state.

I tried replacing the directory / wordpress by “/” and “.” the settings (config SetProp wordpress URL.), but also did not work, Apache continues to show the default page, both http and https.

In /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress.conf/10Conf the option AllowOverride this $ OUT = “AllowOverride All\n”;

Does anyone have any idea how to make wordpress works at http://domain and not the http://domain/wordpress?

This cannot be done easily, it must be implemented by a new feature

You need to hack httpd configuration.
Otherwise you should do like this:

  • create an alias for the server
  • create an ibay with web access
  • set the ibay as document root for the created alias
  • tweak all permissions with .htwrite file

a quick fix, but It needs some works

vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpressredirection.conf

DocumentRoot  /usr/share/wordpress 


service httpd restart

then go to the panel dns/server_alias of the server manager and declare the domain

the problem to solve now comes the way where and how wordpress saves the url in its database, please read this

In fact my method is good if you install it from scratch, but if you do it on an already installed wordpress, you will find a lot of broken url.

I’m so confused.

Is it;

service httpd restart

or this;

signal-event nethserver-httpd-update


is simply restarting apache enough?

since you don’t add a new template ‘service httpd restart’ is enough but you can also use ‘signal-event nethserver-httpd-update’ because it restarts also httpd

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With e-smith in the mix, I don’t believe I’d ever just restart apache.

So I guess I’m ready to try this… but my question is, will this repository stay up to date with Wordpress?
My other vps wp installs are constantly being updated by Wordpress, never mind the hot mess the plugins are for vulnerabilities, so I definitely don’t want to fall behind on one of the biggest targets on the Internet, well other than Joomla, you should see my ids logs, lol.

Normally epel tries to be up to date with this rpm, simply update from it. Alternatively I developed for SME Server an option to auto update wordpress with the internal core feature. I didn’t recall if I did it here. In fact nethserver-wordpress was a study case for me to learn how NS works… If my opinion could interest you, I do install my web application manually when I want to fit all my needs.

Any way, I’m looking in this direction to use the root directory for wordpress (it could be reused for dokuwiki and tt-rss) but it is not ready, stay tuned.

Is this already working for v7?
In the Software Center I cannot find Wordpress in the NethForge.