Howto install Openfire on NethServer


@Wellington_Rodrigues reminded me of Openfire in Doubt about openfire, which is a nice chat server with postgresql and LDAP/AD support.

HowTo Updates

30.3.2020 - Added chapter for Openfire 4.4.4 including inverse plugin

Installation and database setup

wget -O openfire-4.2.1-1.noarch.rpm
yum -y install openfire-4.2.1-1.noarch.rpm nethserver-postgresql
su - postgres -c "createuser openfire"
su - postgres -c psql
alter user openfire with encrypted password 'openfire';
su - postgres -c "createdb -T template0 -E UNICODE -O openfire openfire"
psql -U openfire -d openfire -f /opt/openfire/resources/database/openfire_postgresql.sql

Enter Password: openfire

Firewall settings and enabling/starting service

config set openfire service status enabled TCPPorts 5222,5223,7070,7443,5269,5275,5276,5262,5263,9090,9091,7777,5229 access green
signal-event firewall-adjust
systemctl enable openfire
systemctl start openfire


Browse to http://YOURNETHSERVER:9090

  • Select your language
  • Server settings should be autofilled
  • Choose Standard Database Connection
  • Setup database:
  • In profile settings you have to choose between db users or LDAP/AD

For AD you may use following settings:

  • Enter AD data that could be found out via account-provider-test dump
  • Don’t forget to set “Use SSL” to “Yes”
  • If you want full names to be shown change name from {cn} to {displayname}
  • The correct mail field is {userPrincipalName}
  • Continue
  • Group mapping is ok so continue
  • Add administrator admin or another user you like and continue
  • Login to admin console

Restart openfire with systemctl restart openfire to activate secure port 9091 so you can browse to https://YOURNETHSERVER:9091

Applications button

This step is not necessary, it just creates an Openfire button in Nethgui “Applications”.

Create /usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/Dashboard/Applications/Openfire.php

namespace NethServer\Module\Dashboard\Applications;

class Openfire extends \Nethgui\Module\AbstractModule implements \NethServer\Module\Dashboard\Interfaces\ApplicationInterface

  public function getName()
    return "Openfire";

  public function getInfo()
    $host = explode(':',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    return array(
      'url' => "https://".$host[0].":9091",


  • Change port 9090 because of cockpit, which uses same port
  • LDAP
  • Test untested update

Untested update to 4.4.4 including inverse plugin - converse for openfire

wget -O openfire-4.4.4-1.noarch.rpm
yum -y install openfire-4.4.4-1.noarch.rpm nethserver-postgresql

su - postgres -c "createuser openfire"
su - postgres -c psql
alter user openfire with encrypted password 'openfire';
su - postgres -c "createdb -T template0 -E UNICODE -O openfire openfire"
psql -U openfire -d openfire -f /opt/openfire/resources/database/openfire_postgresql.sql

config set openfire service status enabled TCPPorts 5222,5223,7070,7443,5269,5275,5276,5262,5263,9095,9096,7777,5229 access green
signal-event firewall-adjust
sed -i -e 's!<port>9090</port>!<port>9095</port>!' -e 's!<securePort>9091</securePort>!<securePort>-1</securePort>!' /opt/openfire/conf/openfire.xml
systemctl enable openfire
systemctl start openfire

Inverse plugin:

Get and enable inverse plugin:

wget -O /opt/openfire/plugins/inverse.jar
systemctl restart openfire

I was about to post because bells and whistles were ringing, just to read in your last remarks:

Great howto!

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Nice topic about how to install Openfire.

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I like this option.
I tested here today at the company and it was cool

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Hi @mrmarkuz, how are you?
Sorry for reviving this topic but I found it better than creating a new one.
In the company where I work we are with version 7.4.1708 and we want to migrate to version 7.5. I created a VM to test first and I’m having problems when installing Openfire. Even following the installation steps, it gives the following error:

Would you know or anyone how to resolve this problem?

Active Directory local accounts provider for test.local
Samba DC version
DNS domain name
NetBIOS domain name
Domain Controller IP address

I noticed that on the old server Samba DC is in version 4.7.7

Hi @Wellington_Rodrigues,

it works for me when disabling strong auth:

and disabling SSL and TLS in the openfire settings:

Another solution would be to let samba use letsencrypt certs (I didn’t test with openfire):


I’ll test this option, thank you

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@mrmarkuz, thank you :grinning:
It worked disabling strong auth! :grin: