HowTo install GLPI 9.4.4 on NethServer 7.7

A quick question About Fusion Inventory.

If GLPI is hosted in the cloud, and fusion inventory tracks objects automatically on a network, and sometimes through SNMP, which would be the best way, without sacrificing security to get things submitting data to fusion inventory.

couldn’t really say at this point my goal is to get it working then harden and calibrate its efficiency as one of the main issue i see is they don’t appear to be focused on centos for obvious reasons and are mainly designing for debian or at least thats how it looks to me although the main issues im having are with setting up mosquitto

luck for us Nethserver 8 will work on Debian. and there are alot of tools you can deploy there.

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sorry but files and config are needed I think

Give your webserver write access to the files and config directories;

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I managed to almost get it all working but I think the issue is mosquitto-auth-plugin doesn’t seem to be available to link Mariadb to mosquitto I did manage to get ldap working and saml to a point (need to configure a source to generate the glpi metadata)

glpi gets a nice console line interface to manage the upgrade :

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still a long journey, I think we won’t have a migration path from the old version to 9.5.5


Quite I get something basically workable

Did you explore the LDAP side ?

Admin experiences are welcome


thank @Shane_Treweek I want to release this GLPI version and write the documentation part with screenshots for the authentication

What plugin do you use yourself with GLPI ?

I use flyve (or trying to setup just need to compile glpimodauth) and fusion inventory and php-saml I’ve tried to install your latest module on arm seems to only be missing php-sodium I was going to compile but found its been done in fedora 32bit haven’t had time to test but your package works out of the box for arch64 RPI

Not sure where I saw it but I remember seeing a setup that integrated glpi with zabbix and zammad

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Glpi and zammad, that I want to see

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why zammad and glpi, they are both ticketing system ?

Not sure to understand too for zabbix

maybe it sync the ticketing systems to make use of one solution,
But at time sit gets so bad when almost every software bundles their own ticketing system, then its becomes confusion,

never seen a car with two steering wheels


Salut Stéphane!

Actually, there are such cars, often for driving teachers

But Martin’s right, a lot of packages include a TTS. Maybe not the best or the most features, but basically workable - and integrated.
Eg: Dolibarr.
Then there are TTS Systems, which do only that, eg. Zammad, OTRS, Best Practical RT

These are more “Best of Breed” products, that is, top end products in that specific category

My 2 cents

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hows flyvemdm coming along for you so far

Actually still trying to get everything working the issue of the glpimodauth need building is still on my to-do list but has been temporarily shelved while I worked on getting the other aspects of the RPI (which I had as stage 1on my personal nethserver pi roadmap) working which I can say is now finished and working.

Stage 2 is getting glpi, zammad, zabbix and mesh central working on rpi.

Stage 3 is then designing a cluster preferably with a plug and play design (i.e Have it setup so you’d have a case with slots for RPI caddies that could have individual nethserver instance that should be run on a dedicated server then simply slot in the upgrade)

Back to flyve the documentation is targeting debian but it seems to be able to work with android iPhone Mac Linux and windows interms of administration