How to change battery low for ups in nut server

NethServer Version: 7.6.1810
Module: nut
How can I change the value battery.low in the config of NUT for the Back-UPS ES/CyberFort 350. Battery doesn’t have enough energy left to shutdown 2 nethserver machines in the vmware environment at battery.low=10

Thanks in advance

Haven’t tried and don’t know if it needs to be scheduled to remain at each startup:

upsrw -s battery.charge.low=20 -u `config getprop nut-server User` -p `config getprop nut-server Password` `config getprop nut-server Ups`

Hello marc,
followed your instruction which results in an error:

[root@yz1fs ~]# upsrw -s battery.charge.low=20 -u config getprop nut-server User -p config getprop nut-server Password config getprop nut-server Ups
Unexpected response from upsd: ERR ACCESS-DENIED
[root@yz1fs ~]#

I’ve tried the getprop commands one after another and found out that only the Password returns an empty string. User=upsmon Ups=UPS

Any suggestions?

The password is set by nethserver-nut-conf action. If neither the command nor the server-manger ups section show a password, you can check if it’s set on /etc/ups/upsd.users file (e.g. tail -4 /etc/ups/upsd.users).

in upsd.users there is the pasword presented as displayed in the screen under /Configuration/UPS there the slave password is shown which is the same as in the upsd.users file.

The term for password in the instruction is written in lower cases, so I tried the command as follows:

upsrw -s battery.charge.low=50 -u config getprop nut-server User -p config getprop nut-server password config getprop nut-server Ups
Network UPS Tools upsrw 2.7.2

usage: upsrw [-h]
upsrw [-s ] [-u ] [-p ]

Demo program to set variables within UPS hardware.

-h display this help text
-s specify variable to be changed
use -s VAR=VALUE to avoid prompting for value
-u set username for command authentication
-p set password for command authentication

UPS identifier - [@[:]]

Call without -s to show all possible read/write variables.

So now the interesting question is how to check whether the variable has been changed.

The command response showing the help section implies it failed.
The password term of config getprop command comes from nethserver’s e-smith database and starts with an uppercase letter.

I’m no expert on nut, but as the password for upsmon user is present on upsd.users file I will suggest to add it to the e-smith (nethserver) database.

First check it is not already set:

config getprop nut-server Password

If empty, you can set it with the value from upsd.users file (replace xxxxxxxxx with the proper password):

config setprop nut-server Password xxxxxxxxx

You can check available UPS settings with:

upsrw -u `config getprop nut-server User` -p `config getprop nut-server Password` `config getprop nut-server Ups`

or directly with the known values (xxxxxxxxx represent the password):

upsrw -u upsmon -p xxxxxxxxx UPS

Same goes for chaning settings, were the paremeter -s is added.

Password was empty so changed the Password,

check gives expected output:
upsrw -u upsmon -p 676200624863591 UPS
Remaining battery level when UPS switches to LB (percent)
Maximum length: 10
Value: 10

Nevertheless no succes in changing the battery.charge.low value:

upsrw -s battery.charge.value=50 -u upsmon -p 676200624863591 UPS
Unexpected response from upsd: ERR ACCESS-DENIED

From the error I guess the user has no admin privileges, and a new user might need to be added (with a custom template) to upsd.users file.

EDIT: here is an untested example. Some steps could be missing (see nut manual, for example to set tcp-wrappers edit hosts.allow/deny, restarting service…), and the password could be randomly generated with a script:

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/ups/upsd.users/
cat << EOF > /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/ups/upsd.users/21admin

    password = supersecretpassword
    actions = SET
    instcmds = ALL

signal-event nethserver-nut-update

More info:

NUT administrative user definitions should be used in conjunction with TCP Wrappers.

This worked, battery.low.level changed to 50%

First set the admin user in custom template
then changed the value with command:
upsrw -s battery.charge.low=50 -u admin -p supersecretpassword UPS

upsrw -u config getprop nut-server User -p config getprop nut-server Password config getprop nut-server Ups
Remaining battery level when UPS switches to LB (percent)
Maximum length: 10
Value: 50
