My NethServer install sits behind a firewall with a proxy (pfSense with HAProxy). Ideally, I would like to configure a vhost that can present the SOGo web interface and ActiveSync unencrypted on port 80.
I know this is probably going to involve some ‘e-smith’ templates but could someone help with some clear instructions?
I do understand your point about it being risky but the NethServer is on a separate vlan connected only to the firewall so I feel that would be fairly safe. LAN and WAN hosts can only access my NetServer through the firewall (port 80 is blocked for them) and then only a non-standard port. Only the firewall will have access to port 80 and HAProxy allows me to easily deploy some extra filters. One of the things I have noticed is that Fail2ban does not ban repeated bad ActiveSync attempts.
Looking at the code snippet, this looks like the original template. If I comment out (or delete) the lines:
$OUT.= “RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on\n”;
$OUT.= “RewriteRule ^/SOGo(/.*)?$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/SOGo$1 [R=301,L]\n”;
and regenerate the files with: signal-event nethserver-sogo-update
will that achieve what I am looking to do?
I just thought that having a new virtualhost would allow me to keep the existing default config and create a new one to play around with. In the first instance, just having ActiveSync on port 80 would be enough. I realise it will need to be SSLified to be used with client software but I thought that would be handled with HAProxy.
Yes but you should create a custom-template, else the next update will overwrite your changes, for a vhost check the /etc/e-smith/templates/etc.httpd/conf.d/zzz_sogo.conf, you will find a redirection to redirect the 80 to 443
I have seen the info on creating custom templates and can handle that bit (I think!) I know that creating customised vhosts templates is more complicated so (at least to begin with) will just work with the default vhost. I get a bit lost with Apache directives and would be grateful for any help you can give on that part of the problem. has RewriteRule and zzz_SOGo.con has RequestHeader set. I did see this post:
which seems to be fairly close to what I am looking for but is a bit old. I thought that the actual redirect took place in 30SOGo part of Nevertheless, I will give it a go and report back.
Thanks for your support and the great product that NethServer is!