How can I upgrade to PHP 5.5.9


NethServer Version: 7


is there any option to upgrade to PHP 5.5.9? Today I tried to install Matomo (formaly Piwik) web site analytiks - it request a higher PHP version - 5.4.16 is not accepted (whyever).


Following module installs PHP 5.6, 7.0 and more. You could setup the php version for virtualhosts in the web UI.


first brick in the wall THX … now I need another:
In enabled and within php.ini. How can I restart apache? is it

apachectl restart

If so, something is wired: My servers takes extremly long. I interrupted using [CRTL]+C and did a reboot …

Next: how do I add and to php.ini within e-smith database as decribed by @stephdl?

systemctl restart httpd (though you can use reload instead of restart).


THX… Changing from Ubuntu (lucid lynx) to CentOs 7 is more difficult than expected …

For example add configuration for PHP70 with a custom template:

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/opt/remi/php70/php.ini/

Create a file /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/opt/remi/php70/php.ini/90pdo with the wanted extensions:

Apply the config:

signal-event nethserver-php-scl-update


Please be aware of the e-smith system. You are not just changing to CentOS. You are also adopting e-smith, a templating system for your config files. Not really grasping that has costed me countless hours of debugging, tho I don’t wanna go without it now.

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and also the esmith specific command line

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Thanks a lot this helps very much.
Even though pdo extensions seem to be added by default, the info will help me on my freeradius->ldap experiments.

By the way I got Piwik installed and running using LDAP auth from nethserver :slight_smile:

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hello, is there a how to here for installing matomo/ piwik.
could you make one @thorsten

Matomo is a pretty standard web app; there isn’t really anything Neth-unique to the installation. The only thing that seems to be missing from those instructions is that you need to create the Matomo database and database user before you tell it those credentials:

create database matomo;
grant all on matomo.* to matomo_user@localhost identified by 'secure_password`;
flush privileges;

so, this password, is it one i create as new password, or is it the password thats currently being used inside nethserver.
if its the second case, how do i get that password?

Yes. As is the Matomo super-user.