How can I disable Nextcloud (maintenance mode) while I do some work on Nethsever during a maintenance window

NethServer release 7.8.2003 (final)
Nextcloud fully updated - 19.0.3

I would like to make some updates to Nethserver during an evening maintenance window and ensure that no one in our office uses Nextcloud during this window. I’ve let our office know about this change and warned them not to use Nextcloud but to be sure I’d like to know of a way to disable access to Nextcloud during my change window. Is there a maintenance mode I can manually set from within Nextcloud or Nethserver that would disable access to Nextcloud?

Thank you.

Type this on console:

Maintenance mode on
occ maintenance:mode --on

Maintenance mode off
occ maintenance:mode --off

(Just tried on my Nextcloud 19.0.3)


Better yet: howto:nextcloud [NethServer Wiki]

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Thanks @saitobenkei, these commands fit my needs perfectly!

Thank you @danb35 for linking me to the Nethserver notes for Nextcloud.

You can just edit the config/config.php and change the parammeter maintenance for false:
‘maintenance’ => true,
‘maintenance’ => false,