Help Join MAC to AD

all the howtos you linked help user to join a mac to an AD, not to a NT PDC, and so they are quite useless…

if you found something OSX related to join a NT style domain younger than one year, please share here…

I repeat, read carefully: everything related to AD, w2003 and over etc is useless

what are you referring to? shares or auth? we’re talking about auth, i.e. users credentials are stored in NS and MAC use NS as auth server.

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All links are from Google" Mac join NT Domain"…
I read them before post the link ?!? :grimacing:

About the *nix way, it’s about share. thank to highlight this point, it’s important.
I was imagining that with the NethServer AD, it was the same thing, but perhaps it’s not :wink:

I really try to put the DC but it said that the server refuse.
I was hope some one tried :frowning:

Look the logs in the server, certainly we will have more informations here…

useless: mac tries to connect to an AD

To an Nethserver AD… There’s no log of this service on NethServer?

it seems to me you are missing a point :smile:

AD is a M$ implementation of ldap/kerberos (and dns/ntp): in linux’s world, you can have it via samba4 (not available in NS)

NT style domain is quite different… no ldap or kerberos…

so, if you try to join a mac/windows client to an AD domain using NS, you won’t be able to do it and likely won’t find anything on server side, since the client is failing to find the suitable services.

But I can join on windows

that’s because windows (microsoft) still supports NT domains… osx (apple) no

this is killing me the problem is the mac is from my boss.

this is the way to go

@zamboni, it seem that there a misunderstood somewhere.

The situation is the below:
There a Nethserver instance with the AD service running on it.
There’s windows stations that connect without problems.
@Paulo_Rodrigues want a Mac join the AD service.

On a NethServer Instance, the AD service work like a PDC, a NT Domain.
A Mac can connect to a NT domain without lot of problem.

Why @stefano, did you affirm that a Mac can’t?

no, there’s a NT style DC running, service provided by samba.

there’s NO AD running on NS, full stop :smile:

are you sure? any link? (a recent one, please)

OSX supports AD domains, and Apple dropped support to samba (OSX don’t use samba anymore to provide smb shares, but it relies on a proprietary smb daemon)

I might be wrong, and I’d like you to tell OP the exact steps to join your mac to a NS domain…
using the onboard utilities DON’T work, because OSX expect to deal with an AD server.

is it clear?

It’s more clear :smiley:

But why did you affirm that there’s nothing in the Netserver log?

No, not sure at all…

But here some link:

just because the client searches for non existant services and fail… server is not involved

@zamboni I understand what you mean now.

What for?
Only for authentication or to access some shared ressources?

I repeat: the best bet is to try to use ldap on NS to authenticate MAC