Having trouble with a port forward (5060)

NethServer Version: 7.7
Module: Firewall

I have several ports forwarded to my phone system on my local lan, and starting today for some reason, port 5060 is not forwarding. I have tried resetting the Nethserver, removing and re-creating the port forward rule, and checking iptables and all looks normal.

0 0 DNAT tcp – * * wanip tcp dpt:5060 /* 3CX SIP from net / to:
1 435 DNAT udp – * * wanip udp dpt:5060 /
3CX SIP from net */ to:

Firewall log:
Dec 5 13:56:47 www kernel: Shorewall:net2fw:DROP:IN=enp0s31f6 OUT= MAC=fc:aa:14:ff:a2:de:f4:b5:2f:a2:27:c4:08:00 SRC=remote IP DST=my IP LEN=56 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=48 ID=29020 PROTO=UDP SPT=2963 DPT=5060 LEN=36

Any thoughts? It’s only port 5060, all other ports are forwarding just fine…

Figured out that it was the hypervisor that the VM was running on doing something weird with the networking, not the Nethserver. I rebooted the VM several times and it only got worse. Finally rebooted the hypervisor and all is good now :slight_smile:.

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Which Hypervisor is?
