Green Brigade surrender to open?

According to Mr Larabel on, a (in?)famous GPU designer company started to delivery Open Source drivers for Linux.
Ready to download.
Or fork

That’s not exactly today news, but anyway is quite a “Wait… WHAT?” moment for me.
Michael detailed some "if"s and "but"s into the article, maybe worth some effort to take a read if your build is taking advantage on recent GreenDesigned GPU device.

Worth detail that RedHat, Suse and Ubuntu are declared to currently building some packages with that, sad not see Debian among that but hey… maybe the Spyral Tribe will consider the challenge, even with dual licensing provided by the chipdesigner.

Who knows? Maybe soon even @Andy_Wismer will shove a chunky card into his favourite toy… On the fly GPU transcoding not only via PCIe passthrough seems a lot closer…

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