GLPI upgrade error

NethServer Version: 7.9

I tried to upgrade my GLPI-Server with:

yum --enablerepo=* clean all && yum update -y

The GLPI-Url shows me this:

If I use the Upgrade-Button I get this:

How can I fix it?

I was able to update GLPI with these commands:

cd /usr/share/glpi/

php81 bin/console glpi:maintenance:enable

yum --enablerepo=* clean all && yum update -y

php81 bin/console database:update

php81 bin/console migration:utf8mb4

php81 bin/console migration:unsigned_keys

php81 bin/console glpi:maintenance:disable

php81 bin/console glpi:database:enable_timezones

But there is just (hopefully) only one last thing:

How should I change the Web server root directory configuration for GLPI?

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oups sorry I forgot this one, you upgraded from what version ? I see now it glp10


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to make it disappear you have to use a virtual host, let me check the doc

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OK, tnx in advise…

config setprop glpi DomainName
signal-event nethserver-glpi-10-latest-update

sorry for the delay, next time please ping me by the @stephdl, just a lot of things to do, I am quite confident that a signal-event nethserver-glpi-10-latest-update could have fixed the issue

If I use these commands:

With my own DomainName (FQDN) I get this error:

normal you must use to reach your glpi instance and obviously this FQDNmust exists locally or globally on your DNS provider

Do you mean I have to setup a DNS entry who points from to my GLPI-Server-IP?

yes if you want to remove this warning you have to use a virtualhost and use it so fully yes you need to have this FQDN that points to your glpi IP

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And If not, is it insecure or just a matter of cosmetic?

just because they want to avoid people who install with a chmod 777 -R but trust me it is not


I know this may be off topic but you just reminded me of a script I created (unfortunately I lost it during a server rebuild and completely forgot to backup it up) that was run as a hook esmith custom template.

Basically after creating a virtual host it would use cloud flare api to create an a record and wait 5 minutes (to allow for DNS propagation) and then trigger the let’s encrypt certificate generation.

I need to check but here the vhost use the default certificate of ns7 hence it could be LE or self created by the server

This why I use git and github everywhere even on servers to save my life

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