[root@zeus ~]# echo ‘{“action”:“install”,“packages”:["@nethserver-mail","@nethserver-file-server","@nethserver-openvpn","@nethserver-roundcubemail"]}’ | /usr/bin/setsid /usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-packages/update | jq parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 16
The Software Center doesn’t list anything and this is what happens when I try to RELOAD Applications.
I also get “does not exist/could not find” errors when trying to add repositories.
I have access to the internet, but DNS won’t resolve. I’ve added the standard and two records for the DNS Servers at OpenDns. What am I missing here?
I can ping an external IP just fine, just not by hostname.
My ISP uses their own DNS servers, but that shouldn’t make a difference, should it?
I’m willing to bet that as soon as I get the DNS issue resolved, the Software Center will start working.
@mdillow glad you are sorted out
Please have a look at DNS unraveled, todays talk at FOSDEM to optimize your DNS settings. If you have questions do not hesitate to ask them in a new topic.