Getmail anti spam problem

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Uso da poco Nethserver e sto testando il sistema di antispam, Ha funzionato bene fino a 2 giorni fa poi all’improvviso ha inizaito a non riconoscere bene la spam come faceva il giorno prima, ho pensato ad un caso ma vedo che dopo 2 giorni continua a perdere colpi.
Ero molto stupito perchè il 98% della mail spam veninvano contrassegnate come**SPAM****, nella caslela entrata ci finivano davvero 1-2 messaggi. Ora mi trovo in sacco di mail non contrassegnate come spam nella casella entrata.

Non so che pensare.
Ho la seguente configurazione:

Greylist è disabilitato
Soglia di spam 7.7
Soglia rifiuto messaggio 17.1
Aggiungi un prefisso all’oggetto dei messaggi spam


Translated so everybody is able to help you:
I do not know how in which category to put this Topic, maybe Support …
I’m just using Nethserver and I’m testing the antispam system, it worked well until 2 days ago then suddenly began not to recognize well the spam as it did the day before, I thought of a case but I see that after 2 days continues to lose blows.
I was very surprised because 98% of the spam mail was marked as**SPAM****, in the entry box there were really ending 1-2 messages. Now I’m in a bag of emails not marked as spam in the inbox.

I don’t know what to think.
I have the following configuration:

Greylist is disabled
Spam threshold 7.7
Message rejection threshold 17.1
Add a prefix to the subject of spam messages

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Hi @loryaegis,

I had the same issue and after I settled the anti-spam filters at the following values, the module works pretty well for me:

Greylist: disabled
Spam threshold: 14
Deny message spam threshold: 20
Add a prefix to spam messages subject: enabled



For me

Greylist 6
Spam 9
Reject 19.90

You can train rspamd by moving email inside or outside the junk folder

@loryaegis Are you using exclusively p3scan or getmail (pop3 proxy or connector)? If so we need to fix the rspamd scoring rules. To temporarily work around the issue you could raise the spam thresholds.

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grazie a tutti per le rispsote. @davidep Si uso Pop3 connector per il dowanload dei messaggi di posta.
Ho visto su rspamd che i punteggi delle mail di spam hanno un valore molto basso, punteggio varia sui 5-6…

thank you all for your feedback. I use Pop3 connector for dowloading mail messages.
I saw on rspamd that the scores of spam mails have a very low value, score varies between 5-6…

There is a fix i need to verify tomorrow, in short the score could be lowered of 2,5 points

please could you validate the fix

yum install


the score HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN must not appear after the upgrade :
use the rspamd history, you will see this rule and also unknow in IP address before to upgrade, after it should see in IP address and the symbol HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN must not appear anymore

please help us to validate the code