GeniusDynamics repository

Question it seems that the repo

GeniusDynamics repository

is down and the Site is not online?
the backup link seems there but all modules are set to not working.

is there a reason ?
or a fix?

Lemme see i think the dns is down

Sorry for that
you can use this as an alternative as i resolve the dns issue

Sorry for the inconveniences caused

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Which modules are not working

All Modules report back:
Update Core Version to 0.0.0 or Higher to installan in intance of this app.

Fresh installed System based on Debian12
i am still in the evaluation for a migration from 7 to 8 so not mission critical but there seems nice modules there.

@kemboielvis22 you may just add a stable version tag release to your apps and publish it in your repository to make them installable again:


Markus is right; if you need a quick fix, follow that approach. I haven’t had time to fix the open bug yet: Software Center misleading tooltip for certain apps · Issue #7228 · NethServer/dev · GitHub. Sorry about that.

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We are trying to make stable releases. Hope fully by mid month we will have most of the apps stable.