Full Disaster Recovery Findings

Thought it was about time to try a full disaster recovery scenario, especially based on the bad luck I’ve had applying updates in the past. So, this is going to be a long post, mainly of a big cut/past of a screen shot.

Downloaded and booted the latest Rocky image and selected the Restore Cluster and followed the instructions. Here’s the details following the “Something went wrong” message:

I also have a copy of the full Task Trace if that would be useful.

Looking at the core apps, there are now 2 copies of loki:

And both appear to be running.

The selection for the nethforge repository was not retained:

Within the Trace I see:

Job for traefik.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl --user status traefik.service” and “journalctl --user -xeu traefik.service” for details


The No Entries is the response to the journalctl command.

I’m not sure how many of these are minor issues that can be ignored (I can see at least 1, maybe 2) or which are portents of failure down the road should I continue to use this system, which I’m not going to be other than to pull information should you need it.

***** Update *****

Just noticed that one of the failures was trying to add an instance of traefik2.

I’m guessing had that worked it would be then be like loki, 2 instances both running. Is that really what was supposed to happen.


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