NethServer 7.7.1908
Module: Firewall
We are using NethServer in VirtualBox on a Windows 2016 Server (recently switched to VirtualBox due to frequent Hyper-V blue screen of deaths). We have two physical NICs assigned to our NethServer. One is a static internet IP, other is local. We have bridging from our ADSL modem on our RED interface and have PPPoE setup and running.
There is also OpenVPN setup and functional.
We are also using 3CX as our phone sub system. 3cx server is installed in a VirtualBox Debian 9 OS. ISO for installation is provided by 3CX so it is properly installed. 3cx virtual server is also running on same Windows 2016 server as NethServer. VirtualBox settings uses LAN physical ethernet on bridge mode. So, host Windows 2016 Server OS shares LAN ethernet with itself, 3cx virtual server, NethServer virtual server.
There are settings advised by 3cx for a pfSense firewall: here
We have “Step 1” static NAT routes setup on our NethServer. However, we couldn’t see how we can do “Step 2: Port Preservation (Full Cone NAT)” using NethServer.
Problem on our side is: SIP Trunk connection is not stable. It works for half of the day OK. But, it fails at some point. At that point we cannot receive phone calls from outside or cannot place a call to outside. Working period is not known.
When we have problem (SIP Trunk failed to connect) we can successfully ping and netstat our service provider: in our 3cx server console. Traceroute seemingly failing at some point.
We are not sure but restarting Windows 2016 Server seemingly (need more testing) solving our problem and SIP Trunk connection is established after that. Just to clarify, traceroute on 3cx console is failing when we have operational connection and working 3cx server.
P.S. Please be advised that above service provider have IP filtering system setup and any IP number incoming out of Turkey, they drop connection.
We wonder if we can do above pfSense settings in our NethServer.
Thanks & regards,