French translation is coming

@stephdl do you want lend a hand? :slight_smile:

done, french is at 100%


Please announce it like him! Portuguese (Portugal) translation available

@cyberfrk and @alecks you should claim it, I have done nothing really consistent… and I’m a shadow worker.

Alecks has translated almost everything, I did only about 20%!
French language is in product on my server (yum install nethserver-lang-fr)

I saw two errors of translation, how can we correct them? And help on the right side is unvailable (Not found-Help document is not available!).

Hum…https://ip_adrdress:980/fr-FR/FirewallRules show nothing (blank page).

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only the fr-FR page or all translations, take a look to the en-US page

if you are looking about errors then go to /var/log/httpd-admin/error_log or /var/log/messages or /var/log/httpd/error_log but sometime i have had this kind of errors without warning…Ok I was doing a mess with my rpm.

@davidep, is there other logs in nethgui ?

maybe a string badly translated can do the mess

Nope! As you said, Nethgui log messages go to /var/log/messages (rsyslogd) and /var/log/httpd-admin/error_log (apache stderr).

Right, I’ll dig for this!

It is a JavaScript error due to unescaped string. I’ve filed a bug:

The Help documents have not been translated. Should en-US be a default fallback?

Please see also this post:

here is a log with the error when I click to show the firewall rules (règles du pare-feu (
[Wed May 06 10:29:39 2015] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/share/nethesis/nethserver-manager/js/jquery.ui.datepicker-fr.js, referer:
Hope that help you.

@davidep: I think that en-US default fallback should be a good idea. :wink:

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Thanks @cyberfrk I saw it: it is not related to the blank page.

Here the calendar widget is missing the translations.

Filed a new enhancement:

@alecks please could you announce new French translation? :smiley:
Post it in Development category so I can move it on Announcement

Are you sure ?
Translation is OK on Transifex but not revision

Uh sorry, I didn’t check it out. So please anyone could review it? @stephdl or @cyberfrk?
@davidep add them to reviewer role!

It’s time to work @stephdl !!! :smile:

Translations are really important in a project and I do care of them, but even if I can understand the huge interest and the needs, I will be better on another side of development.

I would suggest that you lead the French translation and the French translator team.

Je souhaite rester un homme de l’ombre.
I want to remain a man of the shadows.

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So @cyberfrk it’s your turn :wink:

-il manque une lettre min i scule (correct: min U scule)
-la confirmation du mot de passe de correspond pas (correct: la confirmation du mot de passe ne correspond pas

Except 2 little errors, compared to the services who are installed on my server, all is ok.

Concerning above errors can you have a go in transifex…

This is an example of call to the community German translation in-completed on Transifex

Maybe that should be done for french guys

It’s done. :wink:

OK guys. No problem. I will review it (on Transifex)
Just need time…