Well each year I cannot wait to share, meet, joke, play, drink, eat with you at Fosdem. I attend it since 2015
I land friday morning, you will meet me at the centos connect and saturday/sunday at ULB
and You ?
Well each year I cannot wait to share, meet, joke, play, drink, eat with you at Fosdem. I attend it since 2015
I land friday morning, you will meet me at the centos connect and saturday/sunday at ULB
and You ?
I’ll land Friday at lunch hour so I’m going to visit the centos connect too.
you have to register but a free lunch is offered around 1PM with some random presents
Hi Guys
Last Saturday morning, I suffered either a lumbago (@mrmarkuz Hexenschuss) or a clammed nerv…
I’m improving, but any movement needs “planning”.
I was hoping for a faster recovery, but due to being 60, it’s not as fast as when younger…
Due to this, I will not be able to meke it to Fosdem, which I have been so looking forward too…
I do hope to make it next time.
Have a good time.
Noooo that’s a pity man… are you sure you can’t recover?
I may make an impromptu decision to go, will be decided tomorrow…
Hope dies last!
Fosdem is an experience to live
I still remember very well my first Fosdem, I met all my heroes, The nethserver Team, I shook the hand of Larry Wall, I shared with Remi Collet, I attended the talk of Lennart Poettering with systemd
The man who “dreams” in Perl - or so it’s claimed.
An open source and coder hero!
And with the book, one of the first to document his creation well!
(Oreilly, what else!)
My 2 cents
Last year I skipped it, but this time I will be there too.
We are planning to organize a dinner together on Saturday 1 February.
Anyone is invited to join!
free beer (with moderation) free meat ?
I hope to share with you a lot of time in caffetteria chatting about this community
free beer (
withwithout moderation) free meat ?
There, fixed!
See you there folks!
Already arrived in Brussels (from Western Canada)
It’s my 2nd FOSDEM and as I mentioned in another thread, I’m doing a lightning talk on NethServer 8 (Saturday at 1:10 PM). I’m quite new to this community, but NethServer 8 architecture impressed me so much as a modern self-hosting platform that I went for it
Looking forward to meet you guys! Will you share location for Saturday dinner + FOSDEM cafeteria(s) here?
Yeah. I will meet you at your talk. Are you quebecois ? Do you speak french ?
Anyway english is fine for me too
For the community diner we use to go to amadeus but sometime we change so keep in touch
I think we have also a community room around saturday 4pm
I think that most of people comes friday to bruxels so if you want to meet us tonight
Yes, I’m Québécois (french canadian). But English is fine too.
Let’s keep in touch where we can all meet!
I’ll probably go at Delirium Café late Friday, seems that many FOSDEM folks meet there before the event.