Fixing matrix-synapse WAbridge issue: not connected to WA

NethServer Version: NS7
Module: Matrix-Synapse WA-bridge

Last week the Element client on my phone didn’t receive or send messages through WA bridge. In the WA-bridge matrix group it was suggested to update Matrix-Synapse.

Now I am in a difficult situation. When I follow the update instructions on Upgrading between Synapse Versions - Synapse to update Synapse, I see there are minimum demands for both python and PostgreSQL.
It has been a long time since Matrix-Synapse with WA bridge was installed and I have trouble identifying what version of python and PostgreSQL are actually used by Matrix-Synapse.

Another issue is the EOL of CentOS7.
Besides using the server for bridging WA, I have several other services running on the server. With the most important being mail. But also things like Nextcloud and Moodle are running.
And for me a tool like Fail2Ban (or similar) is essential.

I’d like some advice how to proceed.

Which port is set for the database in /opt/synapse/homeserver.yaml? See also Matrix - synapse

Which versions of rh-postgresql are installed?

rpm -qa rh-postgresql*

In general docker would make life much easier as regards python and postgresql upgrades but I don’t know if it’s worth the effort because of CentOS 7 EOL.

NS8 matrix app development already started, see GitHub - compgeniuses/ns8-matrix: NEthserver 8 matrix-Homeserver Module
I’m going to work on it together with @oneitonitram asap, after meshcentral and moodle.

If you need a solution for matrix now, we can have a look at your server together…

NS8 already provides Mail and Nextcloud as base apps.
Instead of fail2ban there’s crowdsec now.
Moodle is WIP and will be released soon.

In-place upgrade is in progress but much work.

As a workaround, if you have the possibility, you could

  • order a second VPS (ideally SSD/NVMe), migrate to the new VPS and quit the old one
  • restore a VPS backup on a local VM and do the migration to the VPS
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I was thinking of migrating myself. I have data and co fig backups, but those are NS7

Didn’t you use the docker version when WA bridge was i stalles? I can’t recall to be honest.

At the .moment the sfaest way is firing up a new VPS and mivrate NS7 to NS8 and then ajust DNS records to point to the new VPS

I will have check on all pointers you gave and report back

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I can’t remember either but on my testserver I used docker so you may be right.

Port used in homeserver.yaml: 8008
checking with netstat port 8008 is used by docker-proxy

rpm -qa rh-postgresql*

What I understand from (multiple) similar supprt request in the Matrix channel for WA bridge is that it is defenately a matter of updating an (too) old version of the WA bridge and mstrix and synapse.

In the docs it says that there are dependencies towards postgres and python version. postgres should be covered with the installed versions. Maybe a specific version needs to be set in the yaml file? or?
What about the python version?

It would be nice to get this fixed before migrating to a new server. Could anyone help me with this?

With the help of @mrmarkuz matrix-synapse and th WA bridge was updated.
It’s running again!
Thnx Markus!