Inspired from this thread I started a first draft of ns8-fetchmail which could be the pop connector of NS8 to get mails from a mailserver and send them to the local one.
Documentation: GitHub - mrmarkuz/ns8-fetchmail
Install via Software Center from repo: ns8:mrmarkuz_repository [NethServer & NethSecurity]
It’s just an alpine container with fetchmail and cron so it should be possible to use cronjobs to run fetchmail tasks. There’s no UI, it needs to be configured manually. Your configurations and logs are included in backup.
Thanks to @NLS and @Tiago for testing and providing configuration examples.
Maybe you want to test the app as you seem to have working configs.
- Find a good configuration together
- User Interface
BTW, there’s also a roundcube fetchmail plugin that could be interesting: Roundcube fetchmail plugin | fetchmail