i´ve installed the Fail2Ban module from https://wiki.nethserver.org/doku.php?id=module:fail2ban
I turned all necessary jails on but when trying to login my nethserver webinterface and entering up to 5 bad user/password combinations it´s still not banning my ip.
If i do so - restarting the fail2ban service ends up with an error:
[root@net01 ~]# service fail2ban restart
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart fail2ban.service
Job for fail2ban.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status fail2ban.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
[root@net01 ~]# systemctl status fail2ban.service
● fail2ban.service - Fail2Ban Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fail2ban.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Thu 2017-10-19 21:51:24 CEST; 9s ago
Docs: man:fail2ban(1)
Process: 27432 ExecStop=/usr/bin/fail2ban-client stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 27443 ExecStart=/usr/bin/fail2ban-client -x start (code=exited, status=255)
Main PID: 23375 (code=killed, signal=TERM)
Oct 19 21:51:24 net01.mynethserver.co systemd[1]: Failed to start Fail2Ban Service.
Oct 19 21:51:24 net01.mynethserver.co systemd[1]: Unit fail2ban.service entered failed state.
Oct 19 21:51:24 net01.mynethserver.co systemd[1]: fail2ban.service failed.
Oct 19 21:51:24 net01.mynethserver.co systemd[1]: fail2ban.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Oct 19 21:51:24 net01.mynethserver.co systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for fail2ban.service
Oct 19 21:51:24 net01.mynethserver.co systemd[1]: Failed to start Fail2Ban Service.
Oct 19 21:51:24 net01.mynethserver.co systemd[1]: Unit fail2ban.service entered failed state.
Oct 19 21:51:24 net01.mynethserver.co systemd[1]: fail2ban.service failed.
well in fact the wildcard must be added in the jail.local but it is a templated file you cannot add it directly.
I pushed an update to solve you issue, do a yum update in few hours and remove the '*' of the httpd file