My NETH 8 installation has an OpenWRT router VM installed as a firewall reverse proxy, similar to an upstream NETHSECURITY. This handles both forwarding of certificate requests (e.g. for the NETH8 mail server certificate) and certificate replacements for all requests via port 443.
After moving from Nethserver 7 to NETH8, I noticed that the calendar/contacts configuration under iOS (and some MacOS) suddenly expected the entire path including “/SOGo/dav/username/”.
The “/home/sogo$/.config/templates/SOGo.conf” contains the corresponding rewrite rules, but either they are not currently working (not tested separately) or these rules are not working properly behind my NGinx reverse proxy.
I cannot say whether this is typical behavior. For me it helped to include the following section in my Nginx rule:
Previous section
location / {
your existing rules for “/”
addition below
location /.well-known/caldav {
return 301 /SOGo/dav;
}location /.well-known/carddav {
return 301 /SOGo/dav;
Maybe this information will help someone.