Error to configure a roadwarrior bridged problem

I try to configure a roadwarrior bridged VPN.
But on the configuration page I selected the Bridged mode and appered the new options: about the ip range. Also there is a windows menu titled “bridged” but without options. When i try to save the page asked me to select something from Bridge. If I tryed a second time to save it save but esc with this error:
Task completato con errori
Template /etc/openvpn/host-to-net.conf #7 (codice d’uscita 1)
expansion of /etc/openvpn/host-to-net.conf failed

Hi, @Alessandro_Cappellet
It is normal behaviour:
In order to make it work, firtst of all you need to configure bridge interface on Network tab.
After that you would have an opportunuty to select those bridge on the VPN page.

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@Nas, I was thinking about using a bridge by default in v7, trying to overcome problems like this. The user will always find a bridge, with only one interface, but he could add easily other interfaces.
What do you think?

Interesting idea, but it can somehow mislead the people.
Imagine the situation: if you have predefined bridge you can forget to attach the Lan interface in it.
Thus, it is better to make some hint like “create the bridge first” instead of empty drop down list.

My idea is to have all interfaces linked in a green bridge by default, so that you will always be able to connect to the system after a fresh install. Then, you go to the Network panel and create roles, remove interfaces from green bridge,etc.