Error - System Not Updated

After attempting update from web interface (v7.9.2009)

The following command has failed:

Unfortunately we couldn’t catch the exact error. If you want to help, please click on the button below to copy the failed command to the clipboard, paste it into the Terminal and submit command output to the developers.

rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
rpm --rebuilddb
yum clean all
yum update

  • no success

Also, not sure if there is a specific way to send this to developers - maybe someone could advise if so…

Output from command line as follows.
[root@server01 ~]# echo ‘{“action”:“update”,“packages”:}’ | /usr/bin/setsid /usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-packages/update | jq
“state”: “running”,
“steps”: -1,
“event”: “Initialization”
“state”: “running”,
“steps”: -1,
“event”: “Resolving RPM dependencies”
“state”: “running”,
“steps”: -1,
“event”: “Downloading Packages”
“state”: “running”,
“steps”: -1,
“event”: “Check Package Signatures”
“state”: “running”,
“steps”: -1,
“event”: “Running Test Transaction”
“status”: “failed”,
“message”: “[YumTestTransactionError] Test Transaction Errors: package nodejs-libs-1:16.20.2-1.el7.x86_64 is already installed\n package sssd-proxy-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package libcurl-7.29.0-59.el7_9.2.x86_64 is already installed\n package libsss_idmap-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package openssl11-1:1.1.1k-7.el7.x86_64 is already installed\n package libsss_nss_idmap-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package sssd-ldap-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package systemd-libs-219-78.el7_9.9.x86_64 is already installed\n package sssd-common-pac-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package sssd-krb5-common-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package sssd-client-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package libsss_sudo-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package python-sssdconfig-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.noarch is already installed\n package openssl11-libs-1:1.1.1k-7.el7.x86_64 is already installed\n package nodejs-1:16.20.2-1.el7.x86_64 is already installed\n package sssd-common-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package systemd-219-78.el7_9.9.x86_64 is already installed\n package sssd-krb5-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package curl-7.29.0-59.el7_9.2.x86_64 is already installed\n package libsss_certmap-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package sssd-ad-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n package libsss_autofs-1.16.5-10.el7_9.16.x86_64 is already installed\n”,
“steps”: -1,
“event”: null
“id”: “1718280029”,
“type”: “EventFailed”,
“message”: “See /var/log/messages”


I think the update worked as shown in the command output but there may have been some other error. You could have a look at the log file /var/log/messages

Are there still updates shown when you refresh the Software Center page?

What does no success mean? Was there an error?
In general, if yum update runs through without error then all packages should be up to date.

Yes. One update.

Correct. Software centre still says there is an update to do. I will get the output of the “yum update” and post asap.

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