Error rotate logs on glpi

Hello everyone, after updating to GLPI version 10.0.3, I see in the logs an error related to the rotation of logs :thinking:


error: unable to open /var/log/glpi/migration_to_10.0.1.log-20221018 for compression
error: unable to open /var/log/glpi/migration_to_10.0.2.log-20221018 for compression
error: unable to open /var/log/glpi/migration_to_10.0.3.log-20221018 for compression
error: unable to open /var/log/glpi/warning_during_migration_to_10.0.1.log-20221018 for compression
error: unable to open /var/log/glpi/warning_during_migration_to_10.0.3.log-20221018 for compression

what about to create the dir if not exist

mkdir /var/log/glpi
chown apache:apache -R /var/log/glpi

Done, the folder already existed. We’ll see. Thank you as always

try adding delaycompress to /etc/logrotate.conf or relevant file in /etc/logrotate.d (or template)

Hi and thank you for replying. Of course, if what was indicated by @stephdl did not have the desired result. Thanks a lot

I think these log could be removed safely, except if you have an error about migration and you want to dive inside

however what is the permission of these logs, it should be owned by apache I bet
[root@ns7loc3 ~]# ll /var/log/glpi

Hi stephane, if I have cpaito well the logs can be removed. The owner of such logs is Apache

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