Error connecting to database

NethServer 8: 8.2 ??
**Module:Sorry don’t know what you mean.
Iám using the latest version of Nethserver Version Rocky Linus 64 bit
and i installed it as a virtual machine under VMware workstation 17 and this is installed on Windows Server 2022.
i get the following message: error while connecting to database
Yesterday nothing was wrong, no errors while installing the the software and installed software from the repository’s. this morning i started the virtual machine logt in and started edge and there was the error.
I am a newbie whit linux and maybe i better send you the logs, i think that could be the fastest option
because i read a lot of errors uin the logs, is it possible to send them to you?

Thanks in advance Paul Moolenaar

Hi Paul and welcome!

Can you sanitise the logs (no confidential info) and share them here of if it is large via

What database, what are you trying to achieve, what application etc etc


Hi LayLow,

thanks for answering so soon,
thats the problem, i cant recall creating a database .
i wil send the logs as soon as possible.

Hello LayLow,

first thanks for the offer to take the time and offer me assistance.
I wil not upload the logs from this project, i have abanded this one.
i’am now installing a virtual machine with CentOS Stream 9.
that wil be finisht in half an our.
tomorrow i will try to install NethServer on that virtual machine, when i get into troubels i will get back on the forum and i will keep a install journal whit every step of the way.
thanks for now LayLow,
greetings Paul