ERPNEXT: The most agile ERP on the planet in NS8

You guys Said NS8 is a Business Platform, So lets make it One

After Months of Searching and testing Multiple ERP systems.
After 6 Months of Learing, Building, Testing, Tinkering and so many Servers crashed. We are HAppy to Present the Availability of ERPNEXT from Frappe In Nethserver 8

ERPnext IS Aguably the Most Robust Opensource ERP System, Extensible and Truly Opensource

While A Robust, Extensible and Scalable solution, it is also one of the Most Difficult ERP system to Deploy for Production, even the developers agree to this, And it was even more Difficutl to get it running on Nethserver 8. It was a Worth While Venture.

Most and Additional components and Information on ERPnext and FrappeFramework can be found here Frappe (

BEgin By Installing Our Genforge Repository with Instructions here

(You must Enable the Testing Repo to Test this App at the Moment)

Locate ERPnext from the Software Center and Install.
After Installation, configure your hostname

Wait Afew Seconds, and you should be able to access ERPNExt from the Defined FQDN

Default Username and Password

Username: Administrator
Password: admin
You should be presented with a Setup Wizard

IF All Goes Well, You should have your Initial Dashboard Ready

Going Through the Features and Functions Available is beyond this Announcement.


Do not use this Solution if you Have a Very Small Team in your Organization, with Few Moving Parts.
The configurations Alone, Let Alone the Feature Set might Drive you Nuts
This is a great Solution for if you Need Massive Scale In ERP

SOme Commands to Manager ERPNext After Installation
Reference of Available Commands
Commands Reference (

MarketpLace of SOme of the Apps you can Install

Some Notes on what is to be done


  • Figure out the best way To Pre-implement Frappe insights

Frappe Insights Introduction:

Frappe Insights v3 demo

  • Figure Out a way to Make Frappe Multi Site and Multi Tenant

using Current Frappe in ERPnext, being able to offer ability to Implement other Frappe Solutions

  • Figure this backup to S3 option
  • Implement an internal Backup service
  • Grants Management (I saw some Poeple asking about solution for NGos Here)
  • Frappe HR Implementation

frappe/hrms: Open Source HR and Payroll Software (

  • Kenya Compliance KRA (Revenue Authority Integration for Tax in Kenya)

navariltd/kenya-compliance: KRA eTIMS Tax Compliance Integration via OSCU with ERPNext (

  • Mpesa Payments (Kenya Specific Implementaion)

navariltd/frappe-mpesa-payments: The app will accommodate the setups of all Mpesa Payments (

  • Mpesa B2C (Kenya Specific Implementation)

navariltd/navari-mpesa-b2c: Mpesa Business to Customer (B2C) Disbursements Integration with ERPNext (

  • HR- Attendance timesheets

navariltd/nl-attendance-timesheet: FrappeHR app to automate creation of employee timesheets from attendance records (

shridarpatil/frappe_whatsapp: WhatsApp cloud integration for frappe (

Manual Installing Current Version

add-module 1

Manual Updating to a Future Version Version

api-cli run update-module --data '{"module_url":"","instances":["erpnext1"],"force":true}'

Feel free to Share your Insights, Feedback and Suggestions for Modules, Plugins and Apps that we could Pre-Implement for NS8 Community Members.

EDIT: solution for packaging apps Frequently Asked Questions · frappe/frappe_docker Wiki · GitHub

Happy Testing


Also would you like some of to be preinstalled


HEllo Nethians,

I am Happy to Announce that we have an initial version of custom Modules Deployment with ERPNEXT for NS8.

To help us test, Install Using:

add-module 1

After Installation, on the settings page menu, you should see a SelectBox

As Seen Above.

Chose the Modules you would like to pre-install and save the settings.

On ERPNExt Dashboard, you can see HR has been impelmented.

PS: I am not sure if upgrading previous alpha version to this version is possible, but you could test that scenario and report.

Happy testing


I am Happy to Announce a New Update is now avalable.

You can update from the previous versions via

api-cli run update-module --data '{"module_url":"","instances":["erpnext1"],"force":true}'

This New Version implements a beter built custom Image Builds, with Multiple Frappe Based Apps.
We have also Ironed Out afew issues here and there, and the installation as well as Update process should be Smoother.
We Have Imporved the naming of the Apps on the SelectBox
And Have Also Added additional Apps as well.

Non ERPnext Installations
For those Seeking a Non ERPnext Frappe Installation, We have defined a custom build here

add-module 1

Note: ERPnext is not installed By Default in his version, and if you need it installed, you can select it.
Other standalone apps can be installed, Inlcuidng

HAppy testing


Hello Everyone, and Happy Sunday to you All.

I am Happy to Announce the ERPnext App for Nethserver 8 HAs now Reached beta Stage, with a new release Release 1.0.0-beta.2 · geniusdynamics/ns8-erp-next (

With the Beta Release, we are confident All future Updates and Upgrades will not Break your system.

You can Install this new Version Directly from Our Repo or the Command Line through

add-module 1

IF you would Like to Update Directly, you can Use

api-cli run update-module --data '{"module_url":"","instances":["erpnext1"],"force":true}'

Depending on the Version your are upgrading from prior to Beta, Update might cause challenges, kindly just re-install.

I am Aware of COuntry Specific Customizations for the Following COuntries
Switzerland and this

IF Any of the community Members needs the Country Specific Implementations, Kindly let us know so we can factor the same for your respective countries

HAppy Testing

We Have 2 things to Implement, then we can Have a Release Candidate.

1) Manual and Automated Internal Backups
While we know NS8 has backup Builtin, We want offer an alternative backup option for Erpnext, for both Database as well as Files, than can be retrived and restored at will.

We have tested the backup procedure manually, and it works, we would like tot automate it, and test the importation

2) Implement Ability to Install Standalone Apps, without the Need for the Full Fledged ERPnext.

HRM can be installed without erpnext
CRM can be installed Seprately
LMS can also be isntalled without ERPnext
WIKI can also be installed independently
Insights, which is a BI-Analytics tool can also be installed without Eprnext and many others

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If You need other apps to be included by default you can submit a PR or an Issue