Email notification after failed backup

What, you mean NS8 wants configuration to deliver email notifications, but has no mechanism to actually send them?

And personal subscriptions don’t get alerts? We just get pointless alerts about swap being full when there is no swap? Is backup not important for non-business users?

The personal subscription already costs double what it did for NS7, and it seems like it provides less.

I’m not sure I understand the question. An application can obtain SMTP configuration as documented in SMTP smarthost | NS8 dev manual. I’m just wondering if a provided command could help developers avoid writing multiple similar SMTP-client scripts that perform the same function.

This will be fixed during the current milestone, 8.4.

Backup is a fundamental component of the system for every user. Whether a feature is available or not depends on many factors, with complexity being a key one. I don’t want to delve into paid plan tiers, but the point is that Nethesis portals already provide features we haven’t yet implemented in NS8 core—for example, alert logic, email message formatting and queue, and recipient configuration. In my opinion, it’s only a matter of time before NS8 core handles email sending on its own.

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I’d think it probably would, I’m just surprised that it isn’t already there. I’d have expected that if there are configuration options for one or more[1] alert services, that there’d already be a function like send_alert($severity,$content) in the system.

  1. more than just email would be great–e.g., Slack, Synapse, Telegram, generic web hook ↩︎