I’m a soho user and have to connect via my ISP rather than use MX records. I use Fastmail (www.fastmail.com) as my mail provider. They allow multiple mail recipients (any@mydomain.com) and preserve the mail headers so I can use Fetchmail in multi-drop mode.
With my current (manually configured) mail server I use Fetchmail and Postfix, Fetchmail.rc includes :
#fetch mail from fastmail account
#multidrop mode :
# 'envelope..' specifies header line to extract intended recipient
# 'localdomains..' identifies accepted domains[s]
# 'is *' passes full address to postfix
poll FastMail
proto pop3
auth password
via mail.messagingengine.com
envelope X-Delivered-to localdomains mydomain.fastmail.fm
user "mydomain@fastmail.fm"
pass "mypassword"
is *
…which allows incoming mail to be sorted by recipient into the appropriate mailbox.
As far as I can see at present NethServer only provides a 1:1 mapping through the POP3 connector so when I connect to Fastmail, all mail will be routed to a single mailbox. Is there a sensible way to filter mail from Fastmail to multiple recipients, or do I need to edit the Fetchmail.rc config file manually. If so, do you set up local fetchmail.rc files, one per user, or use a global fetchmail.rc file as I do at present ? If so where do I find it ? I guess if I manually edit the fetchmail.rc file then any use of the POP3 connector configuration page would corrupt the manual edits ?
One further query - I assume user ‘admin’ has a mailbox configured ? It’s not listed under ‘Email addresses’.