When we change a password of an user in Nethgui and Cockpit, the password of ejabberd does not work.
It is needed to add “ejabberdctl clear-cache”.
I have already said here: https://github.com/NethServer/dev/issues/5931.
No change after several days.
In more, no news about all my changes (without problem) for a perfect ejabberd in NethServer 7.7.
Thanks in advance.
(Stéphane de Labrusse)
probably it only needs to make an action in nethserver-ejabberd with a 90 score to clear the cache with the event password-modify
(Stéphane de Labrusse)
(Stéphane de Labrusse)
but this won’t work if the authenticator is remote
(Stéphane de Labrusse)
try this rpm @neustradamus
An official dev has said: ejabberd and LDAP password problem · Issue #3091 · processone/ejabberd · GitHub
Maybe there is a problem in documentation.
Previously I have done the command with clear-cache, it has been worked.
(Stéphane de Labrusse)
No tested the pr, please test it and correct the path to command if necessary
(Stéphane de Labrusse)
it seems that in the code it is related to clear_cache, but clear-cache does not trigger errors
[root@ns7loc14 ~]# /opt/ejabberd-*/bin/ejabberdctl clear_cache
[root@ns7loc14 ~]# /opt/ejabberd-*/bin/ejabberdctl clear-cache
[root@ns7loc14 ~]# man ejabberdctl
No manual entry for ejabberdctl
I tested the PR, no error so far in logs I let you the argumentation to make it accepted…my work is done here
No problem 
But strange about the dev for the mistake, and the feature works with “-”, I had tested.
It is like 2 possibilities work.
@stephdl: Any news for this security change?
And about my request to rename:
- root/etc/e-smith/events/actions/nethserver-ejabberd-clearCache to root/etc/e-smith/events/actions/nethserver-ejabberd-clear-cache.
- createlinks: nethserver-ejabberd-clearCache -> nethserver-ejabberd-clear-cache