Hello @stephdl!
I hope I do not stress you so much
Can you support you?
Alpha or beta test?
A bottle of delicious wine?
best regards
Hello @stephdl!
I hope I do not stress you so much
Can you support you?
Alpha or beta test?
A bottle of delicious wine?
best regards
what client do you use please
thank for your support, I will soon have an alpha, but please, please do not test on real server.
For example I am not sure if persistent room will survive, something to test for example
On the smartphone, conversation
and on the computers I PidGin and my wife Gajim
yum install nethserver-ejabberd --enablerepo=nethserver-testing
you should have ejabberd workable, please do not test directly on your server.
If all is workable for you, then I would be pleased that you test the upgrade from 16.01 with some persistent rooms and users.
Tested on a vm on on a production machine (AD only) for now.
No problems so far.
Come on @gerald_FS @greavette it’s now time to give help to our mighty Stéphane!
Tested on a VM with LDAP as account provider. I tried pidgin and miranda as clients and it works as expected. Admin interface works too.
Can someone explain me how to test the S2S feature?
new version is good on samba AD, I can retrieve the list of users and the panel got you modification, you could upgrade your prod server
S2S function does not work for me …
Can not send to my colleagues who run their own Jabber server, with the old version is when you enable the function.
To test you can use my test account:
Will be deleted after the test phase
There was a problem during the update with dependencies, had to create another hand.
Sorry @stephdl that I was so indisposed, but I had some very important private stuff to do.
Thank you for testing! I have exactly the same issue.
I will use your contact for testing. My test user is: richard@nethserver.net
I think I’ve found the solution.
Please try the latest rpm from testing:
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing clean all
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-ejabberd
great it works!
Configuration, encryption, external networks!
Installation also works, update and new install.
Juhuuuuu !!
Thank you @stephdl @giacomo - now comes the fine sanding
So, after a week of operation on two NS machines, I can say - just fine!
@stephdl Everything works! Wonderful!
However, I would have three comments / change requests:
But even if this was not possible, a good feeling if you can communicate about your own software / hardware
from sunny Bavaria!
@giacomo great! do you see that in the next round of updates to nethserver?
I just put the mod_proxy65 module of eJabberd into operation, so now a file transfer can take place.
This was pretty much the last feature I had missed.
VII. Is it still possible to disable this via the GUI if some people do not want or need it?
I have that
added the following entry at the end:
mod_proxy65: \ {\}
In the second step I assigned the port 7777 to the eJabberd service.
config setprop ejabberd TCPPorts 5222,5223,5280,5269,7777
Restart the services and apply the changes:
signal-event ejabberd-update
signal-event firewall-adjust
And it works!
Big thanks go to @stephdl because he has created for us the implementation of the current Versin!
Without his knowledge and motivation, I would probably still cry
The package still needs some work on the archive message part. @stephdl will look into it after its holidays
This should be necessary only for non-LAN clients. Am I right?
Reading the official documentation, it seems mod_prox65 needs a bit of configuration for the security part, for example the authentication is disable by default.
I’d leave this part to next round of updates and give priorities to the exiting modifications.
Please a brave to test the new ejabberd rpm https://github.com/NethServer/dev/issues/5537#issuecomment-414733758
@gerald_FS @tboston are u interested ?
Juhuu - I am thrilled!
Finally it works like I imagine, thanks @stephdl !