EAS SMTP smarthost Nethserver 8 beta2

eas and smtp does not using smarthost anymore.

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The ns8 mail module does not honor the system smart host setting. I still didn’t decide to change it or not, we can discuss it.

Does it answer your question?

Removing the smarthost setting will automatically exclude the “in-house” email server without public access scenario.

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Yes, thx, but than NS8 will be only for Servers with a public IP?

In Beta 1 worked

I’m not saying to remove smarthost. Absolutely not. I’m talking about honoring the cluster-wide SMTP smarthost setting in the Mail module or not. Because plans for the Mail module already include a page dedicated to users and domain specific SMTP routes, like NS7 already has. See Trello card.

For this reason the current module still does not honor the smart host setting.

Mail module requires a public IP and properly configured DNS records to work correctly. If you have a NAT it can be in a private or DMZ network too.

:person_shrugging: Smarthost setup was never implemented in NS8 Mail module

I don’t understand… What is this image?

You said that relay smarthost was never implemented? It was not in Mail module, but in general settings, and it worked in Beta 1, i am very sure about that


Not quite the same thing…

My 2 cents

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But this cluster-wide SMTP smarthost worked with Beta1, but not with Beta2


That’s not what you wrote a short while ago…

I get the inpression you’re mixing up the two…

My 2 cents

Not mixing anything, i asked about wide smarthost, and that is what is not working now. Connection is OK to smtp relay provider, but NS8 Mailserver does not send via smarthost, and that was working in Beta1.