I have installed active domain on nethserver 7.5
when I try to start sssd I get the following error
Failed to read keytab [default]: No such file or directory
could someone please tell me how to create this file please
so I can get ad working thanks
these are the error logs
[main] (0x0010): Could not initialize backend [1432158209]
(Sat Sep 22 23:06:49 2018) [sssd[be[.co.uk]]] [select_principal_from_keytab] (0x0010): Failed to read keytab [default]: No such file or directory
(Sat Sep 22 23:06:49 2018) [sssd[be[ .co.uk]]] [dp_module_run_constructor] (0x0010): Module [ad] constructor failed [2]: No such file or directory
(Sat Sep 22 23:06:49 2018) [sssd[be[.co.uk]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0010): Unable to load module ad
(Sat Sep 22 23:06:49 2018) [sssd[be[ .co.uk]]] [be_process_init] (0x0010): Unable to setup data provider [1432158209]: Internal Error
my domain name is there I just left it out
(Markus Neuberger)
September 22, 2018, 11:26pm
Seems like it’s the same error as here :
You may try to move away the keytab file with mv /etc/krb5.keytab ~
and restart/rejoin/reinstall AD:
I fixed the problem and I know what is causing this bug
when you install nethserver when you set the hostname during install
if you type say
in the webgui after install in the top left you get a email address of
if you set hostname as
in the gui top left you get email address
so you need a dot before the domain name to get a correct hostname
so when you try to create the ad it shows as
you need to add the whole domain name in my case
also when you install ad and it does not connect with sssd not starting when you uninstall the ad it deletes samba-dc
when you reinstall samba-dc does not reinstall I had to install this manually myself after I installed manually and set the domain name to the above it installed fine with no errors