DNS problem when NS is used a domain controller

Hostname / Alias = master.ibiopro.com
DNS []

All good and synced via NTP america/toronto…

  1. cat etc/hotst: ip showing up = (green network IP) and host = master.ibiopro.com

Exactly my config:

  1. I would rather avoid using an external IP if possible. My DNS entries only include one test server being science.ibiopro .com at addr:

Using this config. None of my machines can resolve science.ibiopro. com…

Yet, something interesting happened, when I nslookup science.ibiopro.c o m using the green network IP address ( instead of the AD DNS server (, it locates the DNS entry w/o any issue! Progress…

It seems like NS is mixed up on the DNS interface… it appears to be using .10 instead of .9 which is associated to Active directory.

Any known ways to fix this?

Thanks and happy holidays to everyone.

That’s expected behavior the DNS on nethserver is on nethserver ie in your case and ad is a container with a virtual ip your case so ( master.ibiopro.com) is your DNS that has a DNS reference that points example ad.master.ibiopro.com to

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Ok… By elimination, it seems that AD DNS (.9) does not talk/share with the main green IP (.10) of NS?

Any idea how to fix this?

ok so i for it to work correctly just check the following is set
that you have the alias for ad set in your dashboard as I’m assuming master.ibiopro.com is the hostname of your nethserver

second your dns on nethserver is setup correctly
you dont add a record for ad as it’s auto configured but if you have dns set on your pfsens you ad a an A record there pointing your ad.server to

for clarification is your domain science.ibiopro.com or will that be your website (or were you will host it) if the latter your domain would be ibiopro.com so in my example above you would change ksatdesign.com.au to ibiopro.com and orion.ksatdesign.com.au to master.ibiopro.com the bottom domain you would change to your pfsense

if it’s the former ie domain = science.ibiopro.com and nethserver= master.ibiopro.com that wouldn’t be best practices as it should go domain.tld host.domain.tld and you would need to change your nethserver to master.science.ibiopro.com

Just for clarification it does “talk” but thats handled internally on nethserver it’s the outside resolution that is the problem in this case

I was missing the alias on the hostname. Thanks. The rest is as recommended.

Still can’t resolve. :frowning:

Is anything local able to be resolved as something is blocking the DNS request