DNS module


I could not care less if it’s paid for or not.
I only care if it covers my needs or not.

All my clients andf my own Proxmox are licensed, only the couple of LAB instances are not.

You mentionned budget issues…


I have no problems with this.
I do have an issue if NethServer becomes a cloud only distro or organizer.

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IF this were the case, then the dev would have re-implement firewall inside NS8, Not added multi node support, Maybe and potentially not bothered with Samba Shares.

This is not the case, equally the sentiments of let things be as have been, in tech, things are moving very fast, and Usage dynamics are changing.

Alot of people are nowadays subscribing to the managed hosted concept, of vercel, netlify, elestio and the likes, because fundamentally, Solutions like Nethserver Which are meant to offer what the users want in a self hosting environment have failed.

IF nethserver comes to have >300 oneclick Apps for Installing and manaing within NS8 ClusterS so be it. you may only need 1 APP in there, but others would need the rest.

Lets be open to change, and change is good for growth

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NS7 could act as DHCP server, DNS server, gateway and do a lot of firewall stuff.
Shorewall out of the game, no more one man band. Ok.
Now: NethSec is the only answer?
Because… If the hardware of the gateway is stranded or broken (who says virtual’s gonna have a tough discussion with me about “virtual firewall is nice but has some issues”), why, with internet connection, shoud be the internal network stranded and not operational?

Whole NS8 paradigm is FDQN dependant. So without an NS8 container (or the orchestrator itself) acting as DNS (better with DHCP) server, external, managed and working DNS Server should be part of the system requirements. With a technical describing “why”.

Both missing, currently.

On a released so-called-product which, before adoption, could not express to the public what it’s needed for make it correctly work.
And it’s “waiting” a beta 2 product to be operational. I’m waiting also for documentation "how nethsec should be configured to play nice with NS8)

Both NEthserver 8 as well as NEthsecurity can and would benefit from DHCP and DNS in some capacity

I don’t believe NS8 would benefit from DHCP, or ordinarily from DNS for the LAN–those are functions of the gateway/router, which NS8 is not. The exception to this is that some DNS functionality on the LAN is required for AD, for those who use AD. I believe there’s significant benefit to it providing public DNS, for reasons I’ve discussed here and elsewhere.

NethSecurity obviously should provide both DHCP and DNS for the LAN. Whether it should provide public DNS is another question, and I’m not sure I see significant benefit there.

AFAIK NS8 uses FDQN for looking from orchestrator to containers.
Cut out DNS, NS8 will keep communication only until the resolver cache timeouts.

I think Opnsense does offer public DNS, I might be wrong.

This is a sure thing.

MAny SME/SMB do not have a real Router/Firewall, Many, even extremely large companies make use of the ISP provided router and or TPlink/Dlink and or TendaRouter combo devices.

It could be a Nice to have feature for DHCP, but yeah, a firewall(NEthsecurity) should handle this

That’s really a third use of DNS, unrelated to either of the two I’d discussed. I’m not sure that a full DNS stack is needed (as opposed to, say, a /etc/hosts file), but obviously the containers need to be able to resolve each other and the host(s). But that’s something that would be (and is) already built in to NS8, not something that would be an optional module (or whatever we’re going to call them).

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Apps is the name