DKIM Private.key from DNS provider

NethServer Version: NethServer release 6.8 (Final)
Module: 2.6.32-642.11.1.el6.x86_64
description of the problem:

  1. we had to change the mail domain
  2. the DNS server platform has changed
  3. our mail leaving on the server has stopped coming to recipients
  4. provider, for our mail domain, added SPF and DKIM records to DNS
  5. The provider has sent DKIM private.key
    I don’t know what to do with private.key, where to place it ?, how to set up a server to work with it? Do I need to make any other changes to the work of the server for DKIM to work?

описание проблемы:

  1. нам пришлось поменять почтовый домен
  2. поменялась площадка сервера DNS
  3. наша почта уходящая на сервера перестала приходить получателям
  4. провайдер, для нашего почтового домена, добавил в DNS записи SPF и DKIM
  5. провайдер прислал DKIM private.key
    я не знаю что делать с этим private.key, куда его разместить?, как настроить сервер для работы с ним?, нужно ли еще какие изменения вносить в работу сервера, для работы DKIM ?

Found some links about this topic:

Exactly what services is “provider for our mail domain” providing? Just the domain itself? DNS? Or are they actually hosting your mail traffic? Because if it’s the latter, there’s nothing to do with DKIM or SPF on your Nethserver installation.

the provider serves only the DNS, the mail server is in our office, it has a real IP, the provider in the DNS settings has an MX record indicating the IP address of our server

I think there should be private keys

No, the keys in /etc/pki have nothing to do with DKIM.

This confuses me. If your provider is only hosting your DNS, they have no business even knowing your private key, much less creating it.

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