Disaster recovery with HDD upgrade

Thanks Michael, I have no more time today, so I have reinstalled my old drive.
Today, I have understood a few things:

  • Don’t install NS over Centos
  • For a clean install, remove prior everything on the drive (that was why I used the Centos install)
  • After the config restore, users are there, but LDAP should be reactivated to see them
    Next time, I will do all that again, but with the re-installation of the applications before the data
    See you next time! :wink:

It’s a bit more… analog than that.

If you’re as noob as i am (a stated lot of times before), using the NethServer ISO leads to a much more predictable experience, on different kind of situations: the partition table and schema is known, and a lot of solutons are applicable without too much hassle.

IDK if the Backup configuration also take consideration of the partitioning/mountpoints or only the filesystem paths. Which a skilled sysadmin can change, as someone did on this issue when the size of the disk was… too small.

Next time I will try with first the re-installation of repos, as stated:

And… where you stated that you’re using StephDL or MrMarkuz repositories in your setup?

If you told so… I 'd link that to you… and told to do something before restoring configuration…

I should have done that for php install due to Nextcloud, but it is some time ago :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

I’m feeling soooo Flinstone…

Back this morning with the will to do something nice and don’t deceive @pike, I could reinstall everything fresh and clean. Here is how:
1 Fresh backups of configuration et data
2 Wipe new drive
3 Fresh default install of NS7 from the ISO
4 yum update and reboot
5 Restore config, without the packages
6 Remove and reinstall account provider to local ldap, all my accounts and groups are back
7 From the Software Center, reinstall all applications I need, reboot
8 Restore data, reboot
9 Yeah!!!
I installed extra repositories due to php version issue for Nextcloud, but the present install seems to work fine without them. @pike thanks again for your time. Now I know how to do disaster recovery. I hope my experience can help others.


This is the part that most intrigues me. I mean… Why should this be necessary, @support_team ?

I think it’s necessary in this case because the config was restored without installing packages.

So why LDAP Server as account provider server was installed?

It was configured but not installed. By removing and adding account provider it gets installed I guess.