Disaster recovery with HDD upgrade

Je suis desolée, mon ami, je ne parlaiz pas française. At least, a good enough for Computers.
English please :wink:

Therefore, something odd to me. HOME? Did you install CentOS then “Nethserver-it” after custom partitioning?

My storage look… different.

Yes, that was my first experience with NS and could not make it with a clean install from the ISO. I kept the Home but reduced it to 1GB

It is an installation of NS6 on new Centos, upgraded to NS7

Maybe I should try again a clean install from the iso with the restoration of parameters and data. But I could not make it last time

This make it an entirely different league of experience, to me.

If the “source” installation is fully upgraded/updated, you could roll out this procedure.

The difference is that “old setup” is with 128Gb disk, new setup is with 500gb disk.
Remember to delete all the partitions on 500gb disk before install NethServer from USB/DVD

Also, for the next support request, consider to fill the first post with more information. Not everyone could know or guess your current installation :wink:

OK, I keep you posted. Thank you

Clean install, restore config, and still no users and no software reinstalled :cry:
Shall I restore data to get something?

I could get back my users and groups thanks to:

But no application reinstalled

Is the NethServer able to reach the update servers?

On config restore screen, did you enable “Reinstall packages”?

Yes, of course

After install… did you run an software update before restoring configuration?

Yes, as advised. And I rebooted

Well… strange for the “software”. Configuration could not hold user data.
Time to restore the data, IMVHO. You should find the backup procedure working AND the restore point available.

Data restore ongoing

I ran out of tea for sipping time…

After data restore, still no application. I reinstalled them, some work, some not. Sogo is fine, Nextcloud gives the following error:
“Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.”
But the main problem i that I cannot connect to Cockpit anymore:
“Internal error in login process”
I try to check the logs, but I would need help for being efficient…

Does your setup have an NSDC container? If the answer is yes, look for this command from shell/ssh systemctl status nsdc -l
you can start NSDC container with systemctl start nsdc.

No, I don’t think so. Where would that come from?