Did you know Rockstor?


I’m just checking Distrowatch and discover Rockstor…

And the official site:

Why it attract my attention:
-it’s fedora and CentOS based.
-it’s a NAS ( I think Nethserver totally lack this features and attached feature, disk management…)
-And the webgui is similar as the Nethgui !!!

What do you think of this ( not so) new distribution?


I have been running it for about 2 months very stable it’s based on centos
It Uses the BTRFS file system on this distro it does snapshots just like ZFS file system. It’s a NAS, It’s a Cloud it uses Docker for the
Docker Plugins:
Rock-ons are Rockstor’s name for it’s use of docker containers to provide a Plugin System to easily expand the functions of a base Rockstor install. This feature is relatively new to Rockstor but is proving to be quite popular and is under active development.

It has the PLEXMEDIA Plugin also, just a few clicks and configs and it’s up and going. Documentation is good also. Give it a shot you might like it…

I run the following FreeNas, OpenMediaVault, ClearOS, NethServer, RockStor all with PlexServer installed and it works great!

It’s still young but looks very promising…
Just my thought…

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That’s very interesting, these guys are really smart and there’s a lot to learn! Thanks @Jim nice link!

Rockstor seems a really nice project, but lacks a foundamental service (at least for me…) : iSCSI!
I hope they will implement it in the future, but until then I have to stick with FreeNAS, wich is maybe a little on the “heavy side” (especially his community admins…) but all in all is a good piece of software :wink:

I just see… They use Discourse too.

And look their wiki :wink:

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Yes but their community doesn’t rock as ours! :thumbsup: Ehehe I’m joking

sure, like letsencrypt… and in all the cases, search features (simply) sucks, so it’s quite difficult to find info…
thaks to google, all is indicized and searchable outside…

@davidep are you interested in how these guys addressed the docker challenge? Looks good.

Rockstor 3.x is based on CentOS 7. We rebrand CentOS, add Rockstor software in the form of additional rpms and change the installer to make it a bit more straight forward and specific.
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I just take a newlook at the Rockstor Linux project…
And I like a lot the message and the comunication style the project is sending…
1- personal cloud server
2- smb cloud server
3- traditional nas server

With possibility to personalize each function.
What’s your feeling about this?