Deploy content filter at school

Sono amministratore di una rete didattica del Liceo A.Manzoni di Caserta, rete molto complessa : due edifici - 5 laboratori - 91 classi - impianto WIFI TP-LINK con 20 AP - WPS+AP D-LINK per le palestre. Nethserver lo ho istallato su HP Proliant ML310 con 16 Gigaram e 1,5 Terabyte Raid (n.2 HD). Complimenti per la ottima distribuzione server-gateway. Sono in procinto di attivare ii filtri per la navigazione . Tra le varie modalità cosa mi consigliate ? Università di Tolosa ? o la prima opzione …

Hi @resp,

usually we write in English here so I just translated your post via Google translate:

I am administrator of a teaching network of the A.Manzoni High School of Caserta, a very complex network: two buildings - 5 laboratories - 91 classes - WIFI TP-LINK system with 20 AP - WPS + AP D-LINK for gyms. Nethserver I installed it on HP Proliant ML310 with 16 Gigaram and 1.5 Terabyte Raid (No.2 HD). Congratulations on the excellent server-gateway distribution. I’m about to activate the navigation filters. What are you recommending for me? University of Toulouse? or the first option …

Wow, great installation! Here is some information on the different blacklists, I use shalla:


Let’s try again…

A little less litteral, a bit more content-oriented…


I think best would be to use either shalla or Toulouse lists. Then monitor your traffic and manually add (or better: update the list you chose with) urls that you want to have blocked.
This absolutely is a very tedious task.

Question: Is there any ‘heuristic’ option to update a list with suspicious urls?

Maybe pi-hole could be a useful addition to blacklists: As an addition on pi-hole there is a script to not only block ads, but also block pages:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Install pi-hole on NethServer