Deleted Email in Outlook still on server

NethServer Version: 7.9.2009
Module: IMAP Connector

When deleting email, a duplicate copy is created and then when I clear the deleted folder, one copy of the email remains on the server. Is there a setting I am missing or a way to stop this.

Which OS and Outlook version?
After message management, do you ever do folder compact?
How much time passed between your message management and the verification “on the server”?
Which way did you use to verify on the server?

maybe this link can help

I am using Outlook 365 desktop in Windows 10. I use Webtop to verify what’s on the server.
When I delete a message it is moved to the deleted folder and then IMAP syncs and a second copy is created in deleted. When I clear the folder it leaves one of the messages on the server.