I am having some issues with an Android application that is used for my kids’ school. It is the application for the schools student management environment. As a parent I have my own account there and get informed through the application about grades and homework of my kids.
Since a few days this application seems not to connect anymore. I am not 100% sure but the problems started when I reinstalled webproxy module after the fix with the samba shares permissions.
Now when I go to software center and select web proxy to be removed I get a list of dependencies that also get removed. Some of those I ask myself: WHY are they dependencies for the web proxy?
PS: After de-install of the webproxy the application worked normal again. I guess it can’t deal with a proxy, or the proxy can’t deal with the application. (I would love to know how to configure the proxy so I can allow the application to pass without going through the proxy.)
So why not adding an RPM dependency to nethserver-httpd in nethserver-squid and remove the “mandatory” in group? It is a functional dependency, not a group one!
The httpd module wasn’t even the biggest issue. Removing Nextcloud was much more invasive and you can potentially loose data if you re-install Nextcloud and the previous database gets dropped.