I’m noting strange behavior on my Neth 7.4 VPS installation with respect to the backup-data settings. I have it set to run daily at 0100, but it appears to be running at 1900 instead:
The system is set to EST time zone (UTC-5:00), which doesn’t match the offset–the backup is running 6 hours early. The server is showing the correct time and time zone:
Not the end of the world, but doesn’t seem right. Where should I look to straighten this out?
[root@neth ~]# cat /etc/cron.d/backup-data
# ================= DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE =================
# Manual changes will be lost when this file is regenerated.
# Please read the developer's guide, which is available
# at NethServer official site: https://www.nethserver.org
0 1 * * * root /sbin/e-smith/backup-data
[root@neth ~]#
This server is a VPS at Contabo in Germany (UTC+1), and I’m not sure I’ve restarted the server since configuring Neth (and setting the time zone). I’ve done that now; I’ll see if it fixes things.