Dark theme for this forum

Any chance of getting a dark theme for this forum? There are plenty available for Discourse, and as most websites (and Discourse instances) I use do have a dark mode, this one sticks out like a sore thumb.


Night owl here :owl: I usually make use of some browser extension to darken those webpages, but they do take resources over time.

+1 for dark theme (just remember to tweak the black text from the logo).

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In @alefattorini we trust!

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Take a look!


thank you @alefattorini

Thanks, it works but

Look at what? There’s no dark theme that I can see:

Ah, reloading the page gave me the button you were pointing to. Yes, it works.

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O_o ---- IT’S ALL DARK! ---- o_O


The “white” logo is shown correctly now, maybe it was a Firefox issue… :innocent:

I did, actually it is all white.

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Thanks, it works as expected. I think it was a firefox cache issue on my side…