Update kernel to the latest version available from CentOS, using tools like yum or up2date.
Our Nethserver details
NethServer release 7.9.2009 (final)
The only update seen in the software center at this moment within cockpit is: perl-Net-Server@2.007-3.el7 from epel
When can we expect to see a patch come down via the Software Center in NethServer’s GUI?
my answer is “update and reboot”.
According with a fully updated installation, this should be the latest kernel available for CentOS7 and NethServer 7.9
This also
Fixed in kernel-3.10.0-1160.71.1.el7
So as @pike mentions you just need to run updates as usual (and better to reboot the system as it is a kernel update).
But the vulnerability scanner might still complain if it expects a higher kernel version even though the patch is effectively applied.
I’m sorry, i were wrong.
Seems that 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7 just kicked in.
This leads to 5 kernel fresher than 3.10.0-1160.59.1.el7. Update and reboot still seem the right jam to me.
Thanks for the replies on this. Turns out, a previous software update that was recently done in the software center actually did cover the kernel update but we were missing the reboot with it. So our vulnerability scanner was seeing the down level kernel until that pesky reboot was completed. Thanks again for the tips.