Customize roundcube webmail

NethServer Version: 7.3

Hy to all
i wont customize the rourcube home page with logo and business description?
i have find this

but I do not find the roudcube configuration files

please give me info on how to customize the webmail?

Hi @gperna,

we already talked about this in another thread: Nethserver 7 Let’s Encrypt, redirect webgui, plugin responsive roundcube webmail - #4 by gperna


If you change config files do it via the template system:

So you may create /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/roundcubemail/ and put your config changes in this file.

$config['skin_logo'] = /usr/share/roundcubemail/mylogo.png;

Then expand the template to write it to the system config files

expand-template /etc/roundcubemail/

Thanks Markus for you replay,
but i not undstend, i new fot nethserver.

but can I proceed without editing the template? I would just like to modify the configuration files in /etc/roundcubemail/

could you give me some extra info?
thank you

Hi @gperna ,

Yes, you can. But if the Roundcube will be updated, the config file from the default location will be rewritten to the default values so, the change will be lost.

The solution given by @mrmarkuz , will avoid that because the custom template will override the default configuration :
" If the templates-custom entry is a file, rather than a directory, it completely overrides the standard template."



thanks Markus for you repaly,
i have do:

  1. create /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/roundcubemail/
  2. copied the file mylogo in to dir usr/share/roundcubemail/skins/larry/images/my_logo.png
  3. add the this $config[‘skin_logo’] = usr/share/roundcubemail/skins/larry/images/mylogo_logo.png; in the template 91MYCHANGES_WEBMAIL
  4. expand the template expand-template /etc/roundcubemail/

but not load the logo, see attached img

If you just want to change the logo you may just replace the roundcube_logo.png.

Even if the logo is /usr/share/roundcubemail/skins/larry/images/testlogo.png you must not use the full path. This worked for me:

$config['skin_logo'] = '/images/testlogo.png';

thanks i have insert the path correct and is it work.

but if I wanted to change the background and other still images of the home page?
if I wanted to change the phrase “Roundcube Webmail” under the login button?


Please read here:

Or here: