Cours NethServer-101

Hi all,

I added another document at

Any comment, suggestions, modifications, etc… all appreciated,



@michelandre you are on a writing spree my friend!
I can hardly keep up… currently translating from French to English.
Biggest obstacle is the images with French text included… Takes a lot of time to change those.
As soon I have something substantial I will post my work.
@docs_team any effort possible to get the translated version(s) in our wiki, or would it be better to keep them hosted elsewhere (with possibly a crosslink to our wiki)?

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Hi all,

I added another document at

It contains a procedure to add a Let’s Encrypt certificate to a Proxmox server.

Any comment, suggestions, modifications, etc… all appreciated,



Love the initiative but I have a hard time seeing what use it is to have a lets encrypt cert for a proxmox server? Can you elaborate? (this is getting offtopic for the course… but stil)

Hi robb,

I did it just because it is possible, no other reason.

Also, if you manage from remote, the communication wil be crypted for sure.


Proxmox wants to use https for its web UI, and using a trusted cert means you don’t have the hassle of dealing with a self-signed cert.

@danb35 fair enough, but my point of view was because I don’t see any situation where a proxmox server has an internet facing interface. Only the VM’s on the proxmox server might have an internet facing interface, but the proxmox server itself you dont want to have that.

Well, in a large hosting environment (like Contabo) the VNC interface is exposed, but I’d agree the administrative interface shouldn’t be. That’s why you use DNS validation to get your cert, which is what’s being described here (I do it using acme-dns rather than Cloudflare, but it’s the same idea).

Hi all,

A friend of mine wanted to use Flectra and absolutely not Odoo.

After reading:

I decided to try Flectra as it is now a legal fork of Odoo.

Here is the new document: Cahier-201-07: → Flectra.

And the previous Amazing Guides :slight_smile: of the “Cours NethServer-201”

Any comment, suggestions, modifications, etc… all appreciated,
