Core update to 3.0.0 and modules update error

Not from the UI. Downgrading an app is a risky operation and should only be done in extreme cases.

Yes, of course. Maybe I’m not fully understanding the question.

Testing is a development stage, and testing releases are meant for QA team members. Usually, a list of test cases describes what to verify with the testing release to consider it VERIFIED. The differences between testing releases and production versions are ultimately reflected by code patches.

I think there’s a misunderstanding about what we consider “testing”. I refer to a formalized process, which is described here: Development process | NS8 dev manual. Meanwhile, I think you’re referring to trying out new applications from third-party repositories.

Both are valid. However, as mentioned before, I suggest labeling new/unstable/incomplete applications with an “Alpha/Beta” suffix (e.g., “Superapp (beta)”) during early releases to avoid confusion. Additionally, use the Semver pre-release tag for testing releases meant for upcoming stable versions. Once the app is considered stable, the suffix can be removed.

We have fewer than 1 testing versus over 1000 users running production servers. The cluster-admin UI is designed for sysadmins, not developers. For developers, consider that:

  • add-module is a simple command to install a testing version.
  • Testing an upgrade can be done directly from the UI. In some rare cases a testing release contains an hotfix. In those rare cases a sysadmin may need to quickly install it from UI.