Connect Android to SOGo Activesync

NethServer Version: 7.9.2009
Module: SOGo
Good day,
I have successfully set up SOGo on Nethserver and can access it internally and externally via Outlook 2021 also connects to Activesync with no issues. However, when I try to connect my Android device (using Wi-Fi internally), it says " can’t connect to server". I am using manual setup, using full name and domain as username, password as set in Nethserver, and SSL/TLS (accept all certificates). Port 443. Can anyone perhaps advise where in the logs I could go check as to why it will not connect?

Your cert looks like it is invalid. I use the Android Outlook app and Active Sync works for me.

@royceb Yes, I am aware that the SSL Certificate is invalid, I am still investigating how to install an SSL certificate specifically for Is this the reason my Android will not connect, even in spite of me telling it to accept all certificates as stated above?


Yes, most Smartphones will require a valid cert to work reliably.
True, you can manually force a connection ignoring the cert, but it will work maybe only once!
(Just headaches, not worth wasting time!).

Get the cert working, and force your smartphone to use your internal DNS (If using internal WLan) so DNS-Name and SSL-Cert correspond.

Then it works year in, year out!

My 2 cents

PS: One of the major advantages of LetsEncrypt is greater security than commercial certs (The encryption base is changed every three months, not only once a year!) AND one cert can cover all services for your Nethserver!

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@Andy_Wismer I see, thank you, will do. I am busy investigating how to install my SSL certificate for (also a bought one) installed. Might be my next support topic!! LOL

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Oh Ok, I did not know this! Thank you!

Check out this sample:
(Seperate Nethserver)

These three are all running on the same NethServer, using the same certificate:

Check the SSL Certs…


My 2 cents

@Andy_Wismer Yes I see thank you, I have just requested a Let’s Encrypt certificate from Cockpit and am just waiting for it to propagate. I will revert back shortly.

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