Configure bandwidth

NethServer Version: your_version
Module: your_module

Me podrían ayudar a configurar el ancho de banda de mi netserver, tengo un enlace de Internet en fibra óptica de 20Mb pero mi servidor solamente me distribuye 3Mb


Hi @jlopez
Thnx for yout post. I translated your post in English so all members can read and understand your request. Please try to post in English, since we are an English only community. If your English is not sufficient, you can use an online translation service like Deeple

You could help me to configure the bandwidth of my netserver, I have a fiber optic Internet link of 20Mb but my server only distributes me 3Mb.
Thank you

Thank you

If you onlky get 3Mb from your 20Mb connection, can you provide some info on where the bottleneck is?
Is it your server? If you connect directly to your modem with your pc, do you get a better speed?
On your server, can you give the stats of your total memory and memory used? The disk usage (if it is at 100% all the time, it will slow down overal performance of your server)
Can the processor of your server cope with the load?